About 7 days after fertilization, the “blastocyst” that will develop in your fetus implants itself into the soft and warm walls of your uterus. Thanks to your hormones, the uterus is ‘sticky’ and open to the implantation process. At this point, you cannot know whether you are pregnant or not, as you have not experienced a missed period yet. This implantation; It’s what will keep your body’s lining from shedding and trigger the production of massive amounts of pregnancy hormones that kickstart the pregnancy process.

When the implantation takes place, you may feel slight pain. In fact, at this stage of pregnancy, you may feel like you’re about to get your period, experiencing the same symptoms you do during PMS. You may have cramps and a small amount of bleeding as a result of the implantation process. If you know your body very well and pay attention, you will probably know that something is up. Most women who experience this period think that they are not pregnant and will have their period in just a few days, but then realize that the cause of the cramps and blood flow is the baby placed in the uterus.

Before you even realize that you’re pregnant, your body begins to incredibly prepare for your baby, the placenta develops, and your cells begin to multiply. Since you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while, you may be impatient and want to take a home pregnancy test. However, you have to wait a little longer. This is because your hCG levels (pregnancy hormone) are only just starting to rise, so you are more likely to get a negative result. After implantation is complete, your pregnancy hormone doubles daily.

If you are planning to do a home pregnancy test, it would be better to do it when your period is late. During this period, the hCG in your body may have increased enough. If you’ve had light bleeding or cramping (you may be confused about whether you’re pregnant), there’s no need to worry. Now you know that this is only due to implantation. You may also experience spotting while you wait to find out about your pregnancy. If your spotting continues and increases, you should consult your doctor.

This process can never be observed unless you have a very powerful microscope. This is actually a surprising and beautiful proof of how amazing your body is.